# MissionKontrol detailed install instructions

Below are the instructions you need to follow to install MissionKontrol on your server. MissionKontrol has been tested on several different OS distributions, but check yours is on the supported list if you are experiencing errors.

The auto-install.sh script has been tested for the following Linux distributions:

Supported systems

  • Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04
  • Debian 8, 9
  • CentOS 7
  • Fedora 28, 29
  • Amazon Linux OS 1 (2018.03), 2
  • any OS with pre-installed docker engine (CE or EE)

We’ve worked hard to make sure MissionKontrol is as simple and easy to install on your server as possible. You will be able to install MissionKontrol onto your server in 4 simple commands, and the full installation process should take you less time than it takes you to make a coffee!


These have been tested on the above distros on clean installs; If you’re testing on your Mac or PC consider using multipass or another virtualisation tool;

Installation script

  1. Choose a folder, we usually use /home/
cd home
  1. You need to be able to ssh into your server in order to complete the installation steps. Once you have successfully accessed your server, all you need to do is download the installation script. You’ll need to install WGET on a fresh CentOs install (Yum install wget).

This can be done with the following command:

wget https://missionkontrol.io/auto-install.sh
  1. Once this has downloaded, you must give it the correct pemissions. Without changing the permissions of the file, you will not be able to run the installation script.

chmod +x auto-install.sh

  1. Now all you have to do is run the installation script. The simplest way to do this is to use all the defaults provided, and simply run:
sudo ./auto-install.sh --run
  1. If your server system is one of the ones listed above, this is where you can probably go and start making a coffee. This step can take a few minutes, but once it has completed, you’ll have MissionKontrol up and ready to play around on. Please note that you must run this as sudo or root or it will not work.

  2. You should now be up and running with MissionKontrol. To visit your brand new MissionKontrol application, visit your domain, with either the port you specified or the default, for example: <your_domain>:3000

# Script options

If, for example, you do not want to use the default ports, or you want to specify an SSL certificate file, there are several other options available to you

Option Usage
-r / –run Starts application containers after verifying dependencies.
-s / –stop Stops application containers deployed on the server temporarily.
-p / –ports Allows to specify custom ports (HTTP and HTTPS) on which application will be exposed on host. This is formatted as [external port]:[docker port]
–use_https Allows to enable and enforce HTTPS with Web Server.
–ssl_cert Path to the SSL certificate file.
–ssl_cert_key Path to the SSL certificate key file.
-u / –update Updates configuration and application containers.
-f / –force Used with ‘–update’ option to force update of the configuration and application containers.
-d / –remove Removes application containers and configuration files from the server.
-h / –help Prints the help message.

# Examples

  1. Launching the application on a different port:
sudo ./auto-install.sh --run --ports 8080:8443
  1. Launching the application container with enabled SSL/TLS encryption using self-signed certificate:
sudo ./auto-install.sh -r --use_https
  1. Launching the application container with enabled SSL/TLS encryption using custom SSL certificate saved in local files and exposing it at custom ports:
sudo ./auto-install.sh -r -p 8080:8443 --use_https --ssl_cert my_cert.pem --ssl_cert_key my_cert.key

In the example above you would be able to access from: <your_domain>:8080

# Pre-requisite: Docker

Before you start you need to have Docker installed. If you’re not familiar with the process please check Docker’s own install instructions.

Below is the standard approach if you’re using Ubuntu/apt package manager:

  1. Update the apt package manager (yum on CentOS)
sudo apt-get update
  1. Install docker
sudo apt-get install docker.io


In the past this way was discouraged as the docker package was super outdated. The universe sources are fairly recent now. Please check Dockers site if you’d like to make sure you have the most recent version.

Last Updated: 5/6/2020