# MissionKontrol Documentation

Welcome to the MissionKontrol Documentation. We've tried to make MissionKontrol as easy and intuitive as possible but we've also put together this handy guide to help you get the most out of the app.

# What is it?

MissionKontrol is a self-hosted admin panel for FinTechs and marketplaces. We allow you to quickly create a backend for your transactional business with minimal code and configuration.

With MissionKontrol you can view, edit, delete and manage your customers, transactions and key operations areas such as fraud or compliance in one place. Read more about how it works here

# What does it do?

In its simplest form it is an admin panel. Once hosted in your local environment you connect it to your database(s) and it will partially self-configure based on the schema.

As well as the base CRUD tables, it's also possible to configure views and automated queues to handle transaction monitoring or exception handling such as failed KYC.

If you have complex validation then you can also use our open source plugin MissionKontrol Relay. Read more about how it can make MissionKontrol work even better for you here.

Use the navigation menu on the left hand side to get detailed information about the different things you can do with MissionKontrol.

# What databases can you connect to?

We currently support both PostgreSQL and MySQL databases. We have future plans to support other databases, such as MSSQL.

Last Updated: 5/6/2020